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Straw hotel toothbrush


The Straw Hotel Toothbrush: The Toothbrush That Saves the Planet

Do you know how many toothbrushes are thrown away each year? Millions. They are made of plastic and take hundreds of years to decompose. That's why a new toothbrush has been created: the Kailai straw hotel toothbrush.


Advantages of The Straw Hotel Toothbrush

This toothbrush is made of straw and can be decomposed naturally. This means that when you throw it away, it won't stay in the environment for a long time. Kailai straw handle hotel razor will decompose and become part of the soil. It's also cheaper than most regular toothbrushes, so you're doing your part to save the planet and save money at the same time.


Why choose Kailai Straw hotel toothbrush?

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